Puls Biznesu
TVP3 Lublin

Why so many trusted us

A translator translating a medical text should not only know the foreign language that the document is in perfectly, but also have specialist knowledge in the given medical field.

That is why the medical translations outsourced to us are performed by experienced translators who have dealt with the medical subject matter often.


We guarantee

  • translations done by specialists,
  • consistent terminology,
  • a three-month warranty — in the case of any remarks, we will perform a free correction,
  • fast and timely execution of orders.

Supported fields

Documentation  of clinical studies, hospital records and laboratory documentation, marketing authorisation of pharmaceuticals. Translation of personal protective equipment documentation
Operating instructions for medical and diagnostic equipment
Promotional material, medical advertising material, medical industry websites
Test results, scientific publications and medical literature

Accepted formats

among others, Scans, PDF, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice.

medical translations English

Online medical translations are some of the most demanding types of translations. It is an extremely responsible job because, often, the quality of translation of English or German personal protective equipment documentation can determine the health or even lives of patients. There are several crucial skills which every English and German translator working with texts in the field of medicine or pharmacy should have.

Translator of online medical texts

One of the basic competencies possessed by translators of online medical texts is the knowledge of specialist terminology. The knowledge of the professional terminology in Polish as well as its foreign-language equivalents is crucial, for example, when translating English and German medicine labels or recommendations regarding the use of medicinal preparations. In this case, perfect knowledge of the English terminology is necessary and related to, for example, the names of the chemicals used to make medicines.

Reliable translation skills play an equally important role in the translation of texts related to medicine. The knowledge and experience gained through the translation of medicine-related texts avoid ambiguities arising from the use of jargon expressions, among others. Such phrases are undesirable, because they could easily lead to confusion, which should be avoided at all costs, especially when it comes to medicine.

Translation of medical articles

Broadly understood knowledge of the field is also crucial. Translators of medical texts and articles must rely on it, in particular when dealing with publications derived from scientific literature, for example, texts describing the results of the latest research projects or clinical tests.

Medical translations price list

The prices for medical translations are correspondingly higher. In our agency, each medical file is priced individually due to the different levels of complexity of medical translations.

Online medical translations cities

  • Lublin
  • Wroclaw
  • Warsaw
  • Poznan
  • Krakow
  • Gdansk
  • Bydgoszcz


Translation of personal protective equipment documentation

Bezkonkurencyjna aplikacja!

5 September 2023

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Dodatkowo szczerze przyznam, że współpraca z firmą Euro Alphabet to sama przyjemność. Kompetentni specjaliści i bardzo pomocni pracownicy to najlepsza wizytówka tej firmy. Komunikacja przebiega bardzo sprawnie, nie ma pytań bez odpowiedzi. Życzyłabym każdej firmie takiego profesjonalizmu 🙂


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