Questions and answers FAQ
What is the time it takes to complete the order?
In the case of larger orders, the deadline is shorter. Ask about the pricing.
Completion time:
- Normal – 5 standard pages per day.
- Express – 6 – 10 standard pages per day. We add 50% of the price.
How is the deadline calculated?
- not including the day of receiving the order
- not including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
- not including public holidays
- from the day after placing the order
* The deadline is always determined before the order is accepted.
When is a certified translation required?
How to deliver the text to be translated to us?
Will the text formatting be preserved in accordance with the original?
doc, dot, docx, dotx, docm, dotm, rtf, odt, sxw, txt, xls, xlt, xlsm, xlsx, xltx, ods, sxc, csv, pot, pps, ppt, potm, potx, ppsm, ppsx, pptm, pptx, odp, sxi, htm, html, xhtml, xml, xliff, sdlxliff, tmx, ttx, itd, xlf, mif, inx, idml, icml, xtg, tag, dita, properties, rc, resx, dita, sgml, sgm, strings
If the original document has been sent to us in the pdf format, we will try to preserve its graphical layout in the form resembling the original.
Does the Euro Alphabet translation agency issue invoices?